The participants of the Fit 2 Belong eTwinning project conducted a survey in their schools in order to find out how many of their peers felt lonely, rejected or isolated. Except for the feeling of loneliness, the students investigated what was important to students when they joined a peer group, how much they were accepted by their community and how ready they were to accept differences, what experiences they have had with peer violence, etc. Each group of students presented the research results on the common project page, later students compared the results in an online discussion. The students of Petar Leković Primary School presented the results with an infographic:
"I was concerned that 38.1% of students know a person who has been or is a victim of violence."(Marija, Serbia)
“ I think that our schools should continue to share their practises and experiences.In this way,they can find a place in social communities.” (Fulya, Turkey)
“Remember, you are not the only one who is a suitable friend for you, maybe you just need to raise your face and see that person.” (Elif Naz, Turkey)