The Fit to Belong Handbook Published in 7 languages

The FIT TO BELONG HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO BELONG is now available online in 7 languages. The formal and informal learning and teaching materials in this resource are developed to support adolescents to create a sense of value and belonging within their environments and communities. They are aimed to have a long-term impact on social inclusion and are expected to also have a secondary impact on early school leaving or other issues such as bullying. Using the pedagogical framework, and under the guidance of the research team, the teachers, pupils, and youth workers have codeveloped the materials and activities that you find in here. It is a modular handbook with a menu of activities organised by themes linked directly to the pedagogical framework. These activities have all been piloted with young people to evaluate their effectiveness. This handbook is aimed at teachers, school counsellors, youth workers and all others who are interested in better understanding adolescents' feelings of loneliness and to help them increase their belongingness. 

Download your language version in the results section.